Your Voting Rights and what to do if they're violated
To check your voting status, go to! Your voice matters, make sure you can cast a ballot!
As a Kentuckian, you have certain rights as a registered voter. Including, but not limited to:
The right to receive assistance in voting if you are blind, have a physical disability, or have an inability to read English.
The person assisting you can be a someone you choose or the two precinct election judges, except that the voter’s employer, an agent of that employer, or an officer or agent of the voter’s union shall not assist a voter)
The right to request and have an immediate hearing before the county board of elections on election day if your eligibility to vote is questioned.
Any decision of the county board of elections may be immediately appealed to a circuit judge
You also have the right to cast a PROVISIONAL BALLOT if:
Voter name does not appear on the precinct roster and whose registration status cannot be determined by the precinct officer
Voter name does not appear on the precinct roster and who has been verified as ineligible to vote
Voter does not have identification
Voter is voting as a result of a Federal or State Court Order or any Order under state law in effect 10 days prior to election day which extends polling hours
Voter has been challenged by all four precinct election officers
You can check Kentucky's Provisional Voter Information link to determine if your provisional ballot was counted or not counted
You can contact any of the following:
Precinct Election Officers
County Clerk/Board of Elections
(270) 524-2751
State Board of Elections
(502) 573-7100
Attorney General’s Election Fraud Hotline
(800) 328-8683